Matt Yarmey

Hi! Meet Matt. You may remember the recorded “A Conversation With” we did way back in the beginning of #WeLoveCLT. You can still listen to that here. Since then I’ve seen Pure Intentions continue to grow and follow it’s mission. To not only be a high quality coffee product here in Charlotte but that it’s used to bring together people of the community and educate them.

I’m regularly floored by Matt’s relentless drive. Pure Intentions is growing as a business and as an initiative to educate Charlotte. I freaking love it. The passion is real. Everyone should strive to have even just a fraction of Matt’s passion. It’s awesome.

Also, here’s two things you should absolutely ask Matt when you see him.

  • Ask him to sing “I’ve got the world on a string” by Frank Sinatra to you.
  • Ask him about his new Jockey Box. It sounds freaking awesome.

I asked him 5 questions. Let’s get to it.

What are you most passionate about?

The thing that really gets my juices flowing is seeing people that are doing different physical things in the community that come together and bring those different things together and create a louder voice. Before I was part of what I would call some of the creative culture of Charlotte I didn’t really have any window into that and really I can pinpoint the time that I first started using coffee to enter into that part of the Charlotte city community. That was when my passion really started growing. So coffee and the act of roasting coffee is really passionate for me because it’s a mixture of art and science but then having that passion elevated by what taking really high quality coffee into a creative community that appreciates it and uses it for things like beer, events and conversation that’s sort of two layers of creating that passion for me.

What frustrates you… Like boils your blood frustrating?

Oh man! I think what boils my blood more than anything else is when people try to take advantage of something they don’t understand because they think it’s going to allow them momentary or a flash in the pan success. I’ve seen it happen in other places and a couple of times here in Charlotte. As we develop this creative culture I think we really need to be cognisant that we’re giving attention and power to the people that are really trying to make a difference and not just for the show of it. For coffee specifically that could be anything from somebody wanting to carry Pure Intentions Coffee because it’s viewed as a high quality brand and not really giving it the attention it deserves in preparation, staff training or in just education about coffee all the way to somebody running an event and trying to leverage the cultural momentum for their own benefit without really understanding what’s behind the peoples message.

What is your greatest indulgence?


What is your least favorite trait about yourself?

I will say it’s probably my self criticism. I don’t allow myself to even when times are really good I don’t allow myself to appreciate that or I don’t congratulate myself when things happen the way that they happen because I’ve worked really hard for them. I’m too overly critical of myself.

If you were a wrestler what would your intro song be?

I’ve got the world on a string by Frank Sinatra. {then Matt sang to me}

If you could add one thing to Charlotte that you’ve seen in another city what would that be?

That’s a great question. Better public transportation. A legitimate subway would be great. The first thing that came to mind was a funky beachside town but that’s not possible because of our geography. Let’s go with a subway. I want the subway. Not the chain sandwich shop. I hate driving in the city so definitely better public transportation.

Tori wants to know who your favorite Ninja Turtle is?

Donatello for suuuurreee!

Dee Lanier wants to know what your favorite moment with your dad is?

People would probably normally say something really lovey dovey, right? My dad and I work together and have worked together on the coffee business since he retired. There was a time which we were not getting along. We weren’t communicating and I was making decisions because it’s my company. I was making buying decisions and decisions for the progress of the company and a lot of them he didn’t agree with. We just weren’t communicating and it was very obvious and it got to the point where we weren’t talking. It was really awkward. Eventually, over a bucket of chicken wings we hashed it out and put all of our cards on the table. It got significantly emotional over chicken wings. After that point we both had epiphanies that we were being total dicks to each other, for no reason. We both understood we had responsibilities but we weren’t letting the other person have the ownership of those responsibilities. In the grand scheme of things it was a legitimate fight but once we got done with it and the dust settled it’s never been better.

You can find Matt… well everywhere. I’ve run into him on more than one occasion delivering freshly roasted coffee to one of the many shops that sell it. Otherwise check him out on Twitter and Instagram.

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