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Have you met Cristina Hass Gillespie?
She’s a wife, mother, great cook, role model, and most importantly a friend.
Hi! Have you met Cristina Hass Gillespie?
She’s a wife, mother, great cook, role model, and most importantly a friend. We first met 3 years ago when I joined Madabolic, Inc. Her warm smile and energetic personality was the first thing that greeted me when I walked through the doors of the gym. It’s so damn contagious that you’re dying to know more about this awesome woman.
When she’s not running the G-UNIT household, working at Madabolic, Inc., you can find Cristina working on her business called 28tolife. 28tolife is all about finding freedom through eating real food. That may sound strange to some but after taking one of her workshops you will be inspired to change how you think about your food choices. I would describe her life by the way she lives it; simply defined….EAT, MOVE, LIVE.
EAT: Cristina’s passion for food starts with her love of “Real Food”. Let her cook for you and you’ll be amazed! She’s a believer that what we put in our bodies is what shows up on the outside even though her own health and fitness journey was one of ups and downs.
MOVE: Staying active is top priority and something that she does often. You will often see her riding bikes, walking or playing sports with her kids when she’s not sweating alongside her clients.
LIVE: Living life to the fullest is what you will see her doing each and every day. She is probably the most positive person that I know and a true inspiration!
I asked her 6 questions. Her answers are below her picture.

What’s your greatest indulgence?
So I am know around town for talking Real Food but sometimes a girl just has to have a cupcake. Sunflower Bakery is my go to for Red Velvet Cupcakes. Oh my mouth is watering right now. I indulge in a cupcake every once in a while. There is no room in my life for paleo treats. If you are going to have a treat, then treat yourself.
Why do you love Charlotte?
I am an Army Brat, no place to really call home except for Aiken, SC – probably never heard of it, but it is a very small town where most of my extended family lives. I never grew up there but I always considered it home. Somewhere along the way while living in NYC, Philadelphia, Atlanta…just to name a few, I became a city girl. I love that I can get two for one here in Charlotte. The feel of a small quaint town but I am in the city. This is the longest place I have ever lived and I am so happy to call it home.
If you could achieve anything in your life in five years’ time whether it be personal, professional or a combination of the both what would that be and why?
The next five years both personally and professionally are in my sights. Professionally, I have been with MADabolic Inc. since they opened their doors. I have seen it grow from an idea into now several franchises. I want to continue to grow with this company that started here in Charlotte, NC and continue to be a part of its growth. There are many more franchises in their future, I want to be a part of that. Personally I am a very proud mother. My husband and I have three children that continue to challenge us, to teach us and really make us laugh. If I think about five years from now and all three of them as teenagers, I might start to cry. I see them working hard and finding a path for their lives that is fulfilling and meaningful. I hope we all make it there in one piece, ha.
How do you take your coffee?
I usually drink my coffee black, there is nothing better then a good pour over from Not Just Coffee – but sometimes I like to treat myself to an Almond Latte – James (Not Just Coffee) knows I like an extra shot too – It’s the Cristina special. Luna’s Living Kitchen also has the best fresh almond milk around, I’ll put a little of that in my iced coffee and it’s like dessert (did you know Luna’s freezes iced coffee for the ice cubes? It’s brilliant.
If you could go back in time and change one thing about your life what would it be?
Absolutely nothing, I think everything you go through in life forms who you are. You have to go through some highs and lows, you have to make mistakes and you have to nail it sometimes. It makes you who you are. It is exactly what I tell my kiddos, you won’t always make the right choice but you get to learn from it if you make a mistake.
If you had only 2 hours in Charlotte w/ a first time visitor what would you do with them?
We would have to start the day at the 7th Street Market for Not Just Coffee and a Crepe. I love biking around town and I love that Charlotte has the bike share program. That is a must for us to venture to Romare Bearden Park where I can show them the best view of the city. I also love using the greenway to get from neighborhood to neighborhood. Hop on the greenway at 4th street and head through to South End. Finish our tour with a couple of breweries…oops that might take longer then two hours. We can fit it in….peddle fast.
You can find her working at Madabolic, Inc. located at 2610 South Blvd., Charlotte NC 28209, email at or through her website,
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